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What is MACM?

Master of Arts in Cross-cultural Ministry


What are its goals as stated by DTS?

  • verbalize principles of effective intercultural ministry;

  • demonstrate familiarity with essential principles of anthropology, ethnology, sociology, and psychology in relation to missions;

  • evidence a deep commitment to world evangelism;

  • communicate the Bible effectively in an intercultural context;

  • produce an accurate profile of the chosen country or area of the world; and

  • design an effective strategy for an intercultural ministry.

I started at Dallas Theological Seminary back in 2011 with the sole purpose of joining the missionary organization OMF International.  Though I started off as a part-time certificate student, after having conversations with my church pastors, I reclassified as a MA Cross-Cultural Ministry student. While it took me longer to finish, in retrospect, I learned so much from my classes and my classmates.  It was time well spent.

As I near the finish line of my MACM and time at DTS, it is awesome to reflect on what God has done in guiding me and encouraging me along the way.  I distinctly remember telling one of my first friend, Titus B., at DTS in our 1st class, BE 101, how I don't feel like I belong at DTS.  He would tell me how if God didn't want me at DTS, then I won't be at DTS.  To hear his encouragement meant a lot to me.  Everyone is just so brilliant and godly while I am as unpolished as they come.  Maybe that is just it...  God sees the treasure that I could not see in myself.  I really thank God for the people he has put in my path during my time at DTS.

With my MACM in hand as an OMF appointee, my family is currently in the partnership development phase.  Lord willing, come July 2018 our support level will be at 100% and we will be on our way to our mission field in Germany to serve with OMF Chinese Diaspora Returnee Ministry.  There is a sizable Chinese student population in Germany, to the tune of roughly 30,000 per year heading to study in Germany.  This is a great opportunity to share Christ with them.  However, with so few workers heading to Germany serving the Chinese population, the opportunity often time slip away.  I plan on using all of what I learned during my studies, internship and service at my home church in reaching the Chinese population in Germany with the Word of God.  I was blessed and now, I want to do the same with others.  

Here is a short profile presentation of Chinese in Germany I completed for my WM420 Missions Strategies class

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